Name of the foundation
Stichting H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma Foundation (H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma Foundation)
Bank Account (IBAN): NL38ABNA0248600788
Bankcode (BIC): ABNANL2A
KvK registration: 68826834
Fiscal Number: 857609336
ANBI registration: 23 May 2017
Contact details
Adres: Kerkstraat 14
5331 CE Kerkdriel
Objectives of the Foundation
The H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma Foundation supports the acceleration of access to affordable and sustainable energy in developing countries and to reducing poverty by providing and deploying energy solutions to women and youth so they can further empower themselves.
This means concrete:
1. Helping to accelerate access to affordable and sustainable energy for youth, women. small and medium sized companies (including the informal sector) in developing countries by providing energy solutions to women and youth so they can further empower themselves.
2. Helping realizing the purpose of CSR delivery mechanisms in coherence with the Agenda 2030 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), with the 2063 Agenda of the African Union and with the Paris Agreement on Climate change. The Initiative MAMA-LIGHT® for Sustainable Energy contributes directly to almost all SDG’s.
3. Fundraising for the implementation of the Initiative MAMA-LIGHT® for Sustainable Energy, a global program initiated by H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma and recognised by the United Nations in 2015 as one of the solutions to implement the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030.
Management composition:
The board consists of at least three members where the function of secretary and treasurer can be fulfilled by a person.
The board members are:
H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma, Chair
MRS Karen Abrook, secretary and treasurer
Mr Rogier van der Heide
Renumeration Policy
The foundation does not have a remuneration policy for board members. They fulfill their function completely interestless.
Report of the activities
The activities will be reported on this website regularly.
Financial accountability
The annual report can be found on this website from 1 March following the closed financial year. As the foundation has started in 2017 the first report can be found in 2018.