‘ON THE WAY TO COP26’ is a series of conversations led by H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma
Episode 2 – 11th June 2021: Gender and Green
In this episode H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma is in conversation with:
– Jessica Espinoza, Chair 2X Challenge/Vice President, Investments DEG
– Fleur Newman, Action Empowerment Unit Lead, Gender, Youth and ACE – UNFCCC
– Hannah Van den Berg, Student at High School Dalton – The Hague
– Sophie Eeuwijk, Student at High School Christelijk Gymnasium Sorghvliet – The Hague
On the Road to #COP26 Glasgow UK ia about Walking the Talk and implementing Actions for Climate Empowerment daily. Innovation, Green Finance, Women and Youth Empowerment are key enablers for an Eco—Friendly Sustainable Society. #GenderEquality #ClimateAction #Women.
In today conversation: Understand, Own and Act with the principles of gender equality and get it started today. What ever you do, Gender it and Green it for a balanced environment. Remember we all are part of the Global Solutions! Get in touch with us and we will accelerate it.