On May 29th 2015 H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma was invited as a special guest to talk about the rural areas of Africa and how Light changes the Life of the people at the TEDxAmsterdamWomen 2015 event in Amsterdam.
The title of the presentation of H.R.H. Princess Abze was “How can light change your life?”
Some of the messages from the Princess during the presentation are:
– “Everybody is welcome on my continent. We are one human being. I am fighting for all of us: for the rights of women, for training of all youth and women.”
– “Go where people need you!”
To listen to the full speech please click on the picture below.
TEDxAmsterdamWomen focuses on the unique way in which women contribute to global change and thus reshape the future. Women are ambassadors for this change and innovation.
TEDxWomen is a global conference that provides a stage for unique women to inspire others.