In March 2017 H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma was one of the high level speakers at the High Level SDG Action Event “Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Agenda” convened by the President of the UN General Assembly at the United Nations Headquarter in New York.
The event highlighted synergies between Climate Change and the 2030 Agenda gathered representatives of Governments, International Organizations, the Private Sector and other stakeholders who are advancing solutions to implementation of the SDG and Climate Change agreements.
In the stock-taking panel participated (from left to right) the replacer of H.E. Inia Seruiratu, Minister for Rural and Maritime Development of Fiji; the Executive Director of the Green Climate Fund Secretariat, H.E. Howard Bamsey; the Minister of the Environment, Energy and Marine Affairs of France, Hon. Ségolène Royal; the Moderator: Mr. Andrew Steer, President and Chief Executive Officer, World Resource Institute: the Governor of Washington State, Hon. Jay Inslee; the CEO of AbzeSolar S.A., H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma.
Click on the picture to watch the video of the Opening Segment and Stock Taking panel. H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma speaks at 1:25:10 and at 1:40:00. She highlighted the role of the bottom of the pyramid, and gave insight in existing solutions like the Initiative MAMA-LIGHT® for Sustainable energy.
The rural areas in developing countries are green by nature. Many solutions exist already. She demonstrated how key it is to include them in the discussion and to leverage and implement existing solutions together!